Virgin GSM

Virgin GSM joins tariff war, Offer STD & Local @ 30p

Virgin GSM, the GSM Mobile Service from the Virgin Group in India, has launched a new Special Tariff Voucher for its customers across India.

Now Virgin GSM customer across India can make all Local & STD calls aj just Rs. 30p by getting new STV priced at Rs. 25. The new STV offer 30p tariff for 30 days for both Per Second & Per Minute customers. Subscribers on per second plan will be charged as per the above mentioned tariff for all local & STD calls. Post 30 days the subscriber would move to the base plan.

Virgin GSM Local & STD 30p STV

MRP (in Rs.)Talk Time (in Rs.)Validity(in days)Benefits
25030Local & STD Calls @ 30p

Please Note : The above mentioned MRP is for Punjab circle only. The All Call 30p STV price varies from circle to circle, contact customer care to know more. Also there is no fair usage policy.

Also Virgin CDMA offer All Local & STD calls at just 25p per Min, to know more click here.

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