Tata DOCOMO has today announced that it has developed a Twitter application that would allow its Prepaid GSM customers to recharge 3G Packs, GPRS Packs and activate VAS on their mobile number just by sending a simple tweet. Well, this is the first one of its kind initiative by any Telecom Operator in the world.
Tata Docomo has named its Twitter application TwittCom. Tata Docomo GSM customers would first have to register themselves to avail this service. They need to go to Tata Docomo’s (@tatadocomo) twitter account and type #reg <Your Mobile Number>. You will get a pin code for verification through SMS.
Once you get the SMS containing Verification code, you need to go to the twitter handle again and type #code <Pincode> and you registeration will be complete.
For activating value added services the process is simple, a customer just needs to go to the handle (@tatadocomo) and key in #act# <Service><value>. Tata DOCOMO will get a twit back confirming activation of the service. For example in case you want to activate the GPRS Packs 65, type this, and you will get get twit back regarding activation
@tatadocomo #act #GPRS65
For complete details & more, do visit Tata Docomo GSM TwittCom’s page here.