
Idea introduces Unlimited Pack 699 offering 2GB data per day in Himachal Pradesh

Idea Cellular has today announced the launch of a New Unlimited Calling Pack offering Unlimited Calling & 2GB data per day for its customers in Himachal Pradesh circle. Not just this, Idea has also introduced New Unlimited Pack 396 and New FRC offering 1GB data per day for existing and old customers respectively.

Starting with Unlimited Pack 699, this pack offers Unlimited Local & STD calls along with 2GB (yes 2GB) data per day. 2GB data per day can be used on any signals, 2G or 3G or even 4G. The validity of this pack is fixed at 28 days.

Idea has also launched a new Unlimited Pack 396 offering Unlimited Local & STD calls along with 1GB data per day. However, the validity in this pack is 84 days for 4G handset users and for non 4G handset users, the validity is just 28 days. Data under this pack can also be used on  2G or 3G or even 4G.

Lastly, for new customer wishing to join Idea in HP, Idea has introduced a new First Recharge Coupon priced at Rs. 399 and offering Unlimited Local/STD Calls along with 1GB data per day on 4G/3G/2G. This new FRC has no such distinction between 4G or non 4G handsets users, All Handset users would have the same validity i.e. 84 days after which they can use the above mentioned newly introduced packs.

Also these plans are subject to Fair Usage Policy which means any use which is in excess of the following:

  • 3000 minutes outgoing calls in 28 days period or
  • 1200 minutes outgoing calls in a 7 days period or
  • Calling 100 unique numbers with a period of 7 days
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