Vodafone’s noble ‘Ramzan’ initiative to continue empowering underprivileged children in Kashmir through Education

Reaffirming its commitment towards the society in which it operates, Vodafone India, for a sixth year running, will celebrate the holy month of ‘Ramzan’ through its noble ‘Giving’ initiative for underprivileged children in Kashmir. The initiative aims to raise money which will be used to support the noble cause of education of these children.

Vodafone India’s ‘Giving’ gesture on ‘Ramzan’ embraces the true spirit of Ramdaan, the spirit of giving, as this thoughtful initiative by one of India’s leading telecommunications service providers gives the unmatched power of education to the underprivileged children and empowers them to grow and chase their dreams. In the last five years, Vodafone has donated INR 30.5 lakh as a part of this year-on-year ‘giving’ initiative to commemorate Ramzan.

Starting from May 17, 2018, Vodafone will donate 1 paisa for every outgoing call or recharge and Rs. 5 for every new activation in Kashmir Province during the entire month of Ramzan towards the education of underprivileged children. Vodafone will donate the funds raised by this initiative to Sakhawat Centre run by Iqbal Memorial Trust, an NGO in Srinagar, who will use it for the education of underprivileged children in Kashmir Province.

Extending Ramzan greetings to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), Arvind Nevatia, Business Head, Punjab, HP and J&K, Vodafone India said, “At Vodafone India, we strive hard to be a meaningful member of the society we operate in by contributing to its development and betterment in all possible ways. Across tiers we run different initiatives which are aimed at promoting greater good, be it helping the poor, protecting the environment or supporting women empowerment. It gives us immense joy and satisfaction that we are honouring the giving spirit of Ramzan in the best possible manner by donating towards education of underprivileged children in Kashmir. Education is the best gift which we can give to our children to empower them to grow in the right direction.”

This is the sixth consecutive year of Vodafone’s tie-up with the Sakhawat Centre for this noble cause. In the last five years of this association, Vodafone has donated INR 30.5 lakhs for this cause. “Five years ago, Vodafone and Sakhawat Centre joined hands for this noble cause and we are proud to continue this association for the sixth year as we find in them the same zeal as Vodafone to make education available and accessible to children in need. Also, like the previous five years, Vodafone will enable its customers in Kashmir to contribute to this larger social cause without putting a burden on their pockets,” added Mr Nevatia.

This ‘Giving’ gesture on ‘Ramzan’ is part of Vodafone’s “Gift-a-Smile” programme that involves various such projects throughout the year. While some of these initiatives are intended to gift smiles and happiness to those in need, others seek to bring cheers to the valued customers of Vodafone. Under the “Gift-a-Smile” programme, Vodafone had donated laptops to the Sakhawat Centre in Srinagar earlier to facilitate computer literacy among underprivileged children.

Vodafone has arranged for a short code 51786 for the initiative. Vodafone customers can now call on 51786 to get detailed information about the initiative.

Potvr?uju?i svoju predanost prema društvu u kojem djeluje, Vodafone India, šestogodišnja, proslavit ?e svetu mjesec ‘Ramzan’ kroz svoju plemenitu inicijativu ‘Davanje’ za neprivilegiranu djecu u Kašmiru. Inicijativa ima za cilj prikupiti novac koji ?e se koristiti za podupiranje plemenitog uzroka obrazovanja ove djece.

Vodafone India ‘Giving’ gesta na ‘Ramzan’ obuhva?a pravi duh Ramdaan, duh davanja, budu?i da ova zamišljena inicijativa jednog od vode?ih pružatelja telekomunikacijskih usluga u Indiji daje neusporedivu mo? obrazovanja u siromašnoj djeci i omogu?uje im da rastu i progoniti svoje snove. U posljednjih pet godina, Vodafone je donirala INR 30,5 lakh kao dio ovogodišnje inicijative “davanja” u spomen na Ramzan.

Od 17. svibnja 2018. Vodafone ?e donirati 1 paisa za svaki odlazni poziv ili punjenje i Rs. 5 za svaku novu aktivaciju u provinciji Kašmir tijekom cijelog mjeseca Ramzana prema obrazovanju siromašnih djece. Vodafone ?e donirati sredstva prikupljena ovom inicijalizacijom u Sakhawat centru koji vodi Iqbal Memorial Trust, nevladina udruga u Srinagaru, koja ?e ga koristiti za obrazovanje maloljetnih djece u provinciji Kašmir.

“Vodafone India” raportis Ramzani tervituste laiendamine Jammu ja Kashmiri (J & K) elanikele, Arvind Nevatiale, ärijuhile, Punjabile, HPile ja J & Kile ütles Vodafone India: “India Vodafone’i nimel püüdleme raskeks selle ühiskonna tähendusliku liikmena, mis aitab kaasa selle arendamisele ja parendamisele kõikidel võimalikel viisidel. Kogu tasemetel on meil erinevad algatused, mille eesmärk on edendada suuremat kasu, olgu see siis vaestele kaasaaitamine, keskkonna kaitsmine või naiste mõjuvõimu suurendamine. See annab meile tohutu rõõmu ja rahulolu, et me austame Ramzani andmise vaimu parimal võimalikul viisil, annetades Kashmiris olevate vähekindlustatud laste harimisele. Haridus on parim kingitus, mida saame oma lastele anda, et nad saaksid kasvada õiges suunas. “

See on kuuendal järjestikusel aastal Vodafone’i sidumine Sakhawat Centreiga selle auraalseks põhjuseks. Selle ühenduse viimase viie aasta jooksul on Vodafone sellel põhjusel annetanud INR 30,5 lakhsi. “Viis aastat tagasi ühinesid Vodafone ja Sakhawat Centre käega selle üllasel põhjusel ja me oleme uhked, et jätkame seda seost kuuendal aastal, kui me leiame neile samasuguse innukuse kui Vodafone, et muuta haridus kättesaadavaks ja kättesaadavaks lastele, kes seda vajavad. Nagu ka eelmisel viiel aastal, võimaldab Vodafone ka oma klientidel Kashmiris kaasa aidata selle suurema sotsiaalse põhjusega, koormamata oma tasku, “lisas hr Nevatia.

Ramzani “andmine” žest on osa Vodafone’i “Gift-a-Smile” programmist, mis hõlmab aastaid mitmesuguseid projekte. Kuigi mõned neist algatustest on mõeldud kingitusena naeratama ja õnne neile, kes seda vajavad, püüavad teised tuua rõõmu Vodafone’i hinnatud klientidele. Programmi “Gift-a-Smile” raames andis Vodafone varem Srinagaris Sakhawati keskuse sülearvuteid, et hõlbustada arvutipädevust vaesemate laste hulgas.

Vodafone on korraldanud algatuse jaoks lühinumbri 51786. Vodafone’i kliendid saavad nüüd helistada numbril 51786, et saada üksikasjalikku teavet selle algatuse kohta.

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