MTS revises Data Tariffs in Delhi & Maharashtra now

MTS has today announced the revision of its Data Tariffs in the lucrative Delhi circle along with a bigger Maharashtra & Goa circle. Last week only MTS had revised its Data Packs for Kolkata, WB & Gujarat and now its turn of the capital city of Delhi. We have received the official press update for the Delhi circle only but the tariffs have also changed in the Maharashtra & Goa circle.

Just like 3G GSM operators, MTS too now offers 1GB Data at high speeds for Rs. 250 only. But The other packs for MTS MBlaze customers offers more Data than the 3G GSM operators as MTS is offering 3GB for Rs. 490. A new Data Recharge priced at Rs. 698 has been introduced that offers 4GB Data for 60 days and the Free Data in Rs. 998 STV has been revised to 6GB for 90 Days from 3GB earlier.

Also there are Data Packs for High Users priced at Rs. 999 and Rs. 1298 which would give you 10GB and 15GB Data for 30 days respectively.

MTS also announced that it has crossed the 3 lakh data customer milestone in the Delhi Circle. MTS MBlaze customers in Delhi NCR Circle can avail these tariff plans through a robust retail network of over 15000 retailers and 125 MTS branded retail outlets.

MTS MBlaze Data Tariffs in Delhi


Existing Bundled Usage

New Bundled Usage

Validity (Days)

Rs 96

512 MB

1 GB


Rs 248

350 MB

1 GB


Rs 298

1 GB

2 GB


Rs 348

512 MB

1.5 GB


Rs 490

1 GB

3 GB


Rs 698


4 GB


Rs 798

5 GB

6 GB


Rs 998

3 GB

6 GB


MTS MBlaze Data Tariffs in Mahrashtra & Goa

MBlazer STV MRPs (Rs.) Free Usage Valdity (in days) Extra Usage Charges#
Unlimited Recharges
Mblazer 96 96 0.5 GB Unlimited* 1 Not Applicable
Mblazer 348 348 2 GB Unlimited* 7 Not Applicable
Mblazer 798 798 5 GB Unlimited* 30 Not Applicable
Mblazer 999 999 10 GB Unlimited* 30 Not Applicable
Mblazer 1298 1298 15 GB Unlimited* 30 Not Applicable
Monthly Recharges
Mblazer 248 248 1 GB 30 Re.1/MB
Mblazer 490 490 3 GB 30 Re.1/MB
Long Validity Recharges
Mblazer 698 698 4 GB 60 Re.1/MB
Mblazer 998 998 6 GB 90 Re.1/MB
Mblazer 1499 1499 15 GB 90 Re.1/MB
* Mblazer 96 – Unlimited 0.5GB- Speeds upto 3.1 Mbps, after 0.5GB speeds will be upto 64Kbps)
* Mblazer 348 – Unlimited (2GB- Speeds upto 3.1 Mbps, Post 2GB to 6 GB speeds will be upto 144Kbps, Post 6 GB speeds upto 64 Kbps)
* Mblazer 798 – Unlimited (5GB- Speeds upto 3.1 Mbps, post 5 GB to 10 GB speeds will be upto 144 Kbps, Post 10 GB speeds upto 64 Kbps)
* Mblazer 999 – Unlimited (10 GB- Speeds upto 3.1 Mbps, post 10GB t0 15 GB speeds will be upto 144 Kbps, post 15 GB speeds upto 64 Kbps)
* Mblazer 1298 – Unlimited (15 GB- Speeds upto 3.1 Mbps, post 15 GB to 20 GB speeds will be upto 144 Kbps, post 20 GB speeds upto 64 Kbps)
After 30 days validity, customer will shift to base tariff plan i.e. Rs.2/MB.
** Subscriber showing zero activity (recharge, voice, SMS, VAS, data) for 180 days will be temporarily deactivated
• Usage charge of Rs.2/MB apply post validity period
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