MTNL Redefines Broadband, now minimum Broadband speed is 512 Kbps

From today onwards, all MTNL subscribers in Delhi & Mumbai would get to experience higher Broadband SPEEDS. Thanks to MTNL’s initiative wherein all MTNL Broadband customers who are on plans with speed of less than 512Kbps, would now get Minimum Speed of 512Kbps.

MTNL Delhi had no such Postpaid Plan where the download Speed was less than 512Kbps, so there wont be much change for the Delhities. BUT there was a Prepaid Plan that used to offer Speed of 384Kbps, PP UL Data 449 Combo. This would now offer a Minimum Speed of 512Kbps.

Now for Mumbai, MTNL has 2 Postpaid Plans that used to offer 384Kbps Speed, which would now offer 512Kbps. The change in Speed has not benefitted the Plans that are offering Speed of 512Kbps or more, but only less than 512Kbps Plans are upgraded.

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