Now Videocon Customers can also Transfer Talk Time to their Buddies

Videocon Mobile Services, has silently launched the Transfer Talktime Facility for its customers across India. Now Videocon customers can transfer talk time from their Videocon Mobile to another Videocon Mobile. The Minimum amount that should be transferred has been fixed at Rs. 20 and the maximum amount you can transfer is Rs. 500 in a day.

The talk time in your core account can be transferred only. The Maximum amount that can be transferred through Balance Transfer in a month is Rs. 2000. The total numbers of Transactions allowed to a customer in a day is 4 and in a month is 15. Also you would be charged just Rs. 1 per transaction which shall be deducted from your core balance.

Product Balance Transfer
Transaction Fee (Rs.) 1
Maximum amount in one Transaction (Rs.) 500
Minimum amount in one Transaction (Rs.) 20
Number of Transactions in 1 day 4
Number of Transactions in 1 month 15
Maximum amount in one day (Rs.) 500
Maximum amount in one month (Rs.) 2000
Minimum balance in A-Number Account after balance transfer 20

For more details, contact Customer Care.

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