Samsung Galaxy S3 is the Numero Uno smart phone on this planet, any doubt..??

As per the latest data released by the research firm Strategy Analytics, Samsung Galaxy S3 has uprooted the Apple iPhone 4S to become the top selling smart phone for the quarter ending September, 2012. Apple iPhone has held this position for the consecutive last 8 quarters and this is the first time in 2 years that some Android smart phone has taken the lead.

Just a few days ago, Samsung too had announced about selling 30 million units of its flagship Android model. As per the research data, Samsung shipped about 18 million units in Quarter 3 of the year 2012 which is about 1.8 million more than the Apple iPhone 4S (Apple shipped 16.2 million units of iPhone 4S).

Many are saying that Samsung grew to this position only because of the wait for the Apple iPhone 5 which has already sold about 6 million units in Q3, 2012 only and also that Samsung won’t be able to stick to this position as the new iPhone 5 is expected to out ship any Android smart phone out there.


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